January 9, 2012

Got Space?

As I sit here and think more about this month that we'll call order, I'm debating on what to tackel next.  TargĂ© had some of their bins on sale last week, and have some on sale this week as well {a perfect time to buy!}
So I have these:

To fix this:

Well, to begin to fix a smidgen of that...

Remember the month when we did the closets challenge?  My linen closets have stayed perdy nice,
Note to self: Get NEW Towels...{that match!}
but my pantry... {groan...}
is in major need of a facelift-once more.   It's out of control.  And let's not even talk about my kitchen cupboards.. They're kinda itcky too.

With a {another} little one on the way, the need for more space is becoming more apparent as my belly gets bigger
helloooo down there!
and this one gets taller...

I am going to need to start somewhere...

Which means I'm going to have to get off my preggo-my-eggo GB and begin to tackle a new cleaning project. 
What are you working on in your month of order?  What tips have you found and loved that help you get of your booty?



  1. Oo, I need to go check my target for some bins!
    I don't know where I find the motivation, but music usually helps me.

  2. I need some of those storage bins for when we get ready to move. Time to hit Target!

    And CONGRATS on the new bundle of joy!! That's so exciting!


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