{I think I'll have to make it again anyways since it's so YUM!}
- Tibetans, Mongolians, and people in parts of western China put salt in their tea-instead of sugar.
- In 1914, movie theaters became so popular that ushers in New York theaters were trained by West Point graduates to move masses of people though small spaces.
- There are approximately 1 million species of animals on the earth. Of these approximately 800,000 are insects.
- A surprising number of English words pertaining to the nose begin with the letters SN-snarl, sneer, sneeze, snicker, sniff, snore, snort, sniffle.
Hope you {trulie} enjoy your weekend!
P.S. If you think you have the BEST GIFTS of 2011 and would like to sponsor a giveaway to promote your business for the holiday season go here and we'll help you spread the word.

things like the insects, that's just creepy and I'd rather not know :) The nose words are pretty cool though!