The shortest of all the months and this year, a leap year. {Crazy if February 29th was your birthday, no? A birthday only every 4 years?!}
So this month's word is
A great word that I L-O-V-E! And not only will it be so perfect to see what is created this month, but it's also the month of LOVE. So I hope to see lots of wonderful creative ways to treat your loved one this month. I've got oodles of ideas on what to do for VDay...
Here's one:
OK, so I thought it would be fun for each of us to take $14 to the dollar store and by each other gifts...kind of like a secret sister/santa-although it really wouldn't be a secret... and pick out a gift for each day until Valentine's Day that reminded us of each other.
FOR example:
For one day I would give him a HUNK candy bar with a little note telling him how grateful I am that I married such a HUNK.
For another I would give him a deck of cards, since we like to play games and say: I'm grateful for all the work you put in for our full house...or something like that...
Anyways, you get the idea.
What creative ideas do you have for this month of February? What things to you like to do for VDay?
great word! I'll need to think of some things to create