December 29, 2011

Fruity Fact Friday

Can I ask:

Do you guys miss Fruity Fact Friday?

Thinking about whether to keep it up this next year...



The Nesting Itch:

What better way to kick off the New Year than with a nesting itch...Finally my year has come!  I have driven my husband totally crazy the past few weeks; complaining I need to organize, organize, organize... which lead him to give me this for Christmas:
Isn't he the sweetest!

At first I was wondering what happened to my pinterest wish list with the yellow peacoat on it, but after my wheels got to turning, I became elated with visions of Ikea bins.  (we got a gift card there too :D-HAPPY DAYS!)

I know of a few blogs that savor a single word theme for the year-and I love that.
This year I thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if I was to follow in fashion but instead choose a new word for each month and focus on that word.

For this New Year and new month of January.  I would like to dedicate it to the word:

-to improve the overall state of 
-to create a neat and appropriate place for
{love that they have my kitchen on hgtv, BTW..}

Mmm...I can already smell the scent of lemon wafting through my house already


What do you wish to accomplish this New Year?


December 28, 2011

We're having...

Roz and I are so stoked to be expecting little ones...let alone TOGETHER!  So we have found out what we will be having....

Ready to find out?


I'll tell you..

For Roz:
It's sugar and spice and everything nice:
And for me it's:
Frogs and snails and puppy dog tails.

The best of both!!

Can't wait to get cracking on some pink and blue blankets!


A GiveAway, A GIVEAWAY!!

It's been too long since our last giveaway.  I have something {TrULiE ScRuMpTiOuS} that I have saved up for you all, but it's going to be fast and FLURIOUS!
{as in snow flurries...}
 {don't laugh too hard ;}

As you may not know, my new scrapbooking, photoprinting, and calendar-making friend has become SHUTTERFLY.  They have an amazing selection of everything under the sun to create beautiful memories to savor.  I made little E two books for Christmas.  
A Belly Book:

And her first year:

And even her somewhat technological challenged grandma made her a book as well-it's that easy:  

So she has THREE lovely books to enjoy the rest of her life.  And they turned out SO beautiful!

I have FiFtEeN {15} coupon codes for Shutterfly that end the 26th of January and I want to get them to you FAST! so you have time to ORDER.

Comment what you would LOVE to create on SHUTTERFLY and I will randomly select 15 of you to receive them by Jan. 2.  The more comments the more chances for you to win!

 Holiday Cards
and so many more fun things!

You can check out their website here:


December 27, 2011

Little E is one!

We hope everyone had a trulie scrumptious Christmas.  I know we sure did.  It was so nice to not have to be anywhere and eat our toast and chocolate milk and enjoy our first (technically second) Christmas with little E.  Watching her open and receive the gifts was priceless for sure.  Now, I wish I would have taken more pictures, but I took a lot of mental photos ;)

Now that things have settled down a bit I can go back and post some pictures of E's birthday like I promised!

We had a taco bar loaded to the nine with tortillas, chicken, beef, cheese, sour cream, salsa, guac, and chips.  Then had a fruit dip with oranges, bananas, strawberries, apples (to keep in my color scheme of pink, yellow, and orange-of course)  Then had marshmallow pops, dipped pretzels, and (my favorite) lemon cream cupcakes.  Accompanied by lemon water and raspberry lemonade.

Printed out 12 pictures of miss E; from zero to twelve months.  Goodness has she grown!  We had stringed balloons from the ceiling (thank you pinterest!) but for some dumb reason didn't get any pics of them!

Chocolate with chocolate cream cheese frosting.
(not the most attractive, I know...but I sure tried)


 Pics that my good friend AUDRA took:


She had such a good day and everything went so well.  And everything turned out so cute! {if I so say}  Can't wait for birthday #2...good thing I have a whole 'nuther year to get ready.


December 24, 2011

How to remove raspberry stains...

This is what happens when I'm making bread and I've left my child unattended with a bowl full of raspberries....

I would have gotten mad, but
 1. She's too cute
2. I gave her the raspberries in the first place
3.  She's too stinkin' cute

 I've learned my lesson, but in the mean time thought I would let you in on the secrets of removing raspberries. 

1. Flush stain with cool water.
2. Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of liquid laundry detergent with one quart of cool water. Soak in this solution for 15 minutes.
3. Rinse with water.

Read more: Raspberry Stain Removal - How to Remove Raspberry Stains - Good Housekeeping 


December 21, 2011

It's Bumper to Bumper Baby Bumps Over Here!

It's a {trulie} special time for the Trulie Scrumptious sisters.   As you can see we are BOTH EXPECTING!!
It's madness, I tell ya!

Roz and I are both completely ecstatic on our new additions scheduled about 2-1/2 weeks apart in May.  And no, we didn't plan it.  Well, in a way we did.  We always thought it would be fun to get preggers together.  Her with her first and me with my second, but by no means did we plan it.  Funny how things work out, no?

We will be finding out soon what we will be expecting as we are approaching our 20th week ultrasounds.  So keep a watch out for pink and blue.

Any guesses who will have what? 



December 19, 2011

Christmas Traditions

We are less than a week away from Christmas.  Are you ready?!  I'm afraid I'm still scrambling to get things together. {eeek!}  I'm pretty sure that I will be better prepared next year....ahem.  Pretty sure of it.

So lately I've been thinking of holiday/Christmas traditions and have been wondering how to incorporate them with my own family since we'll be on our own this year.  I love my familys' traditions and I look forward to them as the season progress.  One fond holiday tradition that we have goes as follows:

Growing up, all of my mom's family would get together under one roof to celebrate the season.  We would eat a big Christmas Eve dinner with all the trimmings of a Thanksgiving feast, then settle into our pajamas as my grandpa told us the Christmas story out of the Bible and we would then "act" it out.  My uncle Randy usually was the donkey.  My older cousin Brandon as Joseph, and I as Mary with my Lemon Meringue doll {or as pictured, Cabbage Patch baby} as the baby Jesus.

Picture perfect Mary and Joseph, no?

Oh what great times!  Then of course all of us cousins would try {really hard} to sleep whilst the grown ups did all their "Grown Up" stuff.  At the crack of dawn, one by one the cousins would wake each other up and proceed to wake up all the grumbling and tired adults.  As was the rule, everyone must each eat a piece of toast and drink a cup of chocolate milk before we all got lined up, youngest to oldest to head downstairs where all our glorious gifts were patiently waiting.

Usually one of my aunts or uncles was in charge of distributing the presents; with each present making a fair rotation so each family got a turn to open a gift. {But of course by the end all the kids would scour the family room for their remaining presents and shred the wrapping paper as fast as they could get to the next gift.}

By the end we would have several trash bags full of torn remains of wrapping paper-which me, my mom, grandma and a couple of aunts and uncles would end up going through because I would ALWAYS lose my Christmas money. {I'm pretty sure I've lost it every year as a kid and STILL to this day have to put it in a "special" place so I don't lose it}

 Then everyone would migrate upstairs and make the most bountiful breakfast.  Chalk full of bacon, sausage, pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns, orange juice-everything under the sun.  And for the rest of the day lounge about and take naps, watch cartoons,  and play with our glorious new trinkets.

Ahh... those were the good old days.  Nowadays, everyone is pretty much grown up and beginning to have family's of their own.

As a new-ish family (new-ish as in a family with a little one) I've been wanting to incorporate some of my old traditions, but also want to bring on some new traditions.

I know families that get a new ornament every year to put on their tree.  Some open up new jammies the night before Christmas. Others bag up all their toys (and I mean all of them) and give them away and receive new ones on Christmas day.

What are your favorite holiday traditions?  And what news ones would you like to have this year?

{And I suppose we'll spill the beans tomorrow-say?}
We'll see ;)


December 14, 2011

We're, here!

It's a good thing all you {trulie} scrumptious readers didn't hold your breath for our next post.... you would have died!

We {trulie} apologize for not posting in the last {*gasp*} has it been almost three weeks?!  
The busy holiday bustle has gotten the better of us, but this is what we've been doing:

We had a birthday girl turn one:
A birthday girl turn 24:
A graduation from UCDH:
 with lots of family in attendance :)
An amazing award given to my talented AND graduated sister
{pretty much the most important one given at graduation}
 And trip to Gardner's Village in Utah, as well as to Yogurtland (my new love) and the Chocolate in Provo...(my second new love)

{along with studying, studying, and studying-oh and taking boards, finishing finals, Christmas shopping, Young Womens, Christmas parties, Christmas shopping sprinkled with some birthday shopping, and a little bit of crafting magic-which we'll share soon...}

Roz and I got to spend five whole days together this past week, and it was absolutely amazing!  We had such a fun time together.  And ate so much ;)  My accomplishment of the year was I flew all by myself for the first time and with a baby, and made it home in one piece without harming anyone.  {She was such a good girl.}  Good thing it was only a 45 minute flight thought...  

Roz only has 3 more boards left {she had one today} and she is official.  
Congratulations to her.  I am so proud of my baby sister.

Speaking of congrats... we have more news.

We have two big surprises for all of you readers.
But we'll make you wriggle in you seats a little longer before we let the cat of the bag and the fat lady sings.
Stay tuned for the next chapter of our {trulie} scrumptious lives....

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