Hurray for white stuff! It {finally} snowed!
Although when I got up this morning and saw a light dusting of snow covering the ground and I laughed.
This, is what the big storm brought?... I thought.
Ooooh no.
I has dumped about 5 inches in mere hours.
I certainly wasn't fun to drive in this morning for work. But it is pretty no? But we don't have to fret that it will stick around long. It's already starting to melt. Which kind of makes me sad. I love snow days. We had plenty growing up as kids. We would wake up extra early just to listen to the radio to see if our county was out for the day.
Jumping off the roof into a huge pile of fluffy snow (Yes, we would get that much snow). Our dad making us snow caves. My mom handing us warm cups of hot chocolate to help warm our red noses and cheeks.
Speaking of, I'm going to go grab come of me and Mosey's cookies that we made last night, {they taste just as fantastic the next day...oooh yum!} warm up some hot cocoa, and pop in a movie.
Yup, it's definitely going to be that kind of afternoon.
Martha's got a great cocoa recipe here.
A great homemade staple to add to your pantry.

Ooo I am so off to make some of that cocoa!