November 15, 2011

E is for Not Difficult

is my new flavorite hobby.  
I would quit my job if I could and spend my whole day pinning and repinning.

{If only...}

I found a tute on a marker monogramed pillow-which was cute, but I switched it up by using paint.  A way {more} adorable addition to my collection of pillows that I will eventually upgrade one by one {instead of buying all new pillows}
Sweet huh?!
I started out by buying some material.
Osnaburg to be exact.
Osnaburg is a course material usually woven with flax yarn or jute, but not as rough as burlap as I didn't want someone to sit down and scratch themselves on my pillow.  

I measured the pillow then added about 1/4" to each side to allow for seams.  I traced the letter E for Eborn {clever eh?} onto some butcher paper-which is a great tracer paper.  I cut out the "guts" of the E to make a stencil and blotched it with black paint. 
 Easy enough right?

Let it dry completely and carefully peel off.
{I like that it looks like an ink blot..}

 I sewed my squares together, right sides together and hemmed one side to purposely leave open.  I sewed on little ties to keep the sucker in there but if I ever wanted to change my mind, I could.
 I want to buy more and experiment with dying the Osnaburg different colors.  Any one tried it before? I'm dying to see how a burnt orange and cream one would turn out. 
Oooh and switching out stenciled holiday!
Or to do some as a wedding gift {ie. Mr.& Mrs.  or  B&A}

So many opportunities to spice up your bedroom...
or couch ;}

(pun intended)




  1. SOOOO CUUUUTE! Okay, I want some of that fabric. No, I NEEEED some of that fabric! Thanks for telling us where to get it! I absolutely LOVE how it turned out!

  2. That thing is gorgeous!! Great job! You made it look so easy :)



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